Service Since 1980
The company Sellwin Traders Limited (STL) was incorporated on 29th September, 1980 under the Companies Act, 1956 in the State of West Bengal with main object to carry on the business as traders, exporters, agents, representatives, dealers, producers, stockiests, importers or distributers of industrial, commercial, agricultural, scientific, household, domestic, farm and forest products, goods, plants, machineries, equipments, apparatus, gadgets, appliances, accessories, spare parts or other merchandise including tea, coffee, jute and jute goods, textiles, cotton, yarn, wool and woolen goods, handicrafts piece of arts, Jewellery, ornaments, steel, plastic, rubber, chemicals engineering goods, minerals, electronic, musical and sports goods, cloth, dresses, garments, transport vehicles, food products, live stocks, books reading and educative materials paper and paper products.